Thursday 13 December 2007

Back home from Uni . . .

I did my exercise routine for the first time for a month this morning and although it was hard going, mentally I feel so much better for getting it done.

When you're 57, there is for most of us, the constant battles against rising weight and to keep moderately fit. When I don't exercise, I have this terrible feeling of guilt.

There's a real sense of excitement here now as our two daughters are home from university over the next few days. Haesel, who is doing a year abroad, has sent a huge list of the traditional British foods that she hasn't been able eat since September, for Tina to get in ready for her return. Emily is back tomorrow, and that 's something our son John doesn't seem too happy about. He's been ruling the roost on television programme selection since she has been away and I'm not so certain he is ready to relinquish this newly bestowed power.

It's a manic time for Tina who works, as many of you know, as the Party's membership secretary. To help pay the bills, she also has a job as a home carer which means she's up at six o'clock to help elderly and housebound folk get up, dressed, washed and breakfasted before she's back to open the office at nine. Then, in the evening, she's off again to put them all to bed. It is a hard slog, at weekends as well, and this means that all the preparation for our girls' return home has to be done after her evening carer shift finishes.

When the people presently attacking those of us still working loyally for the BNP as having 'jobs for the boys', it shows just how ignorant and deceitful they are. There's no financial reward in nationalist politics. Just the satisfaction of knowing that what you are doing is something that can bring about a change for the better for the British people.

For me, it's a big week on Freedom as I'm trying to try to clear the decks for some family time over Christmas. January's newspaper will be the last at the current size. Our printer is upgrading his equipment which means that from the February issue it will be the same size as The Independent, albeit just 16 pages. I was hoping to get the paper printed over Christmas for the earliest possible delivery in January, but the factory will be closed for the holiday so it now won't be out until the 9th January.

1 comment:

alanorei said...

Our youngr son is back home from university. As a Fine Arts student, he has turned his absent brother's room into a studio, but since our older son is working in Australia until next May, it's not a problem.

Re: the TV ownership, it's not too bad in our house, because I am still allowed to watch Walker, Texas Ranger on Bravo+1 at 8:00 pm.

Re: exercise, I take your point, having myself reached the magic six-oh last December. Oh, to be 45 again!

Have a good Christmas/New Year and I look forward to the next issue of Freedom.

Re: family generally, if you can think of the mindset/makeup of the average English family of 1950, and if the Party can re-establish that, technological advances notwithstanding, even within a generation, that would have been a notable achievement.