Saturday 28 February 2009

So there are still some honourable journalists left

Well, I'm gobsmacked.

Can you believe The Independent this morning?

Read the report here.

And this is the very newspaper that was hitting us below the belt last Saturday with that phony photograph of the 'BNP'.

Off for a five hour stint of leafletting in Carlisle in a moment. I'm hoping to get away to Borough Park after that for Workington Reds vs Southport. I'm gambling that Mr Jefferson will be in an excellent mood after his publicity coup with The Independent and let me go with his blessing.

Main job today, as well as campaigning, will be to try to quell any unrealistic optimism for Thursday's results - not an easy job with anyone who has read that report.

More tomorrow.

1 comment:

alanorei said...

Link doesn't seem to work, Martin

Re: related item on main website about fears (by nulab) of nulab meltdown in the face of the fiery BNP advance in Cumbria, it has occurred to me that:

Never fear, electoral fraud is here.

That is, I think nulab can be reckoned to work on the principle of:

When all else fails, cheat.

Actually, I'm sure they also work on the corollary of when all else doesn't fail, still cheat but definitely if/when it does, or appears about to.

I hope you and your fellow BNPrs over there can maintain your effective 'nulabwatch' and produce some blockbuster reports for Look North in the near future.

A good day was had here in Redcar today, with many expressions of support in response to leafleting and literature stall.