OK and Hello magazines had better get their skates on if they want to have a Nick and Jackie exclusive because the other celebrity publications are already asking for features on the British National Party chairman and his lovely wife.
Before Question Time we would have regarded such string of requests for non-political and just personal and family interviews as highly suspicious. But now they have become a regular occurrence and our internet research shows that the journalists are who they say they are and that their previous work has been reporting on political 'celebrities'.
I don't know what Nick and Jackie will make of all this personal attention. I expect they will be rather reluctant to say anything, after their recent experience with the seriously physiologically damaged Dominic Carmen.
Nick's MEP mailbag is massive as is his European Parliament workload. How he manages all his British National Party work as well is a testament to his 24 hour, 7 days a week commitment to both jobs.
Re-reading The Quicksand War by Lucien Bodard and it is a brilliant book. It's the best one to read if you want to understand the Vietnam War. The book covers the period after the Second World War to the defeat of the French at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. If the Americans had known what Bodard did about the commitment of the Vietminh, they would never have got involved.
Workington Reds are away at Telford tomorrow so I shall be glued to Radio Cumbria all afternoon listening for the latest updates. In the morning it will be putting the garden to bed for the winter. I had been hoping to do this on Sunday, but the forecast for Cumbria is gale force winds and torrential rain with the possibility of storm damage and flooding so I shall probably pop into the office and do a bit of work.