I have spent the whole day sorting out travelling expenses claims for Nick and tomorrow I shall endeavour to do the same with Andrew.
There´s very generous travel allowance budget provided by the EU but to claim for it requires some complicated paper work made even more difficult because claims are in kilometres and mileometers on our cars (which is taken as the proof of travel) are exactly that - in miles.
As with everything in the European Parliament it all has to be done exactly right otherwise any claim is returned unpaid, so I have my fingers crossed that I have done the paperwork correctly.
Tina and Eddy Butler have been out doing the groundwork for a trip of BNP members to the European Parliament in November. They have been checking out restaurants, hotels and various sightseeing options so that the two-day package for our members is really interesting.
Andrew is in a committee meeting at the moment but was in fine form this morning making a fool of a hostile interviewer from BBC Radio Humberside. Hopefully a recording of this is on their website.
Nick is just back from his committee meeting and is discussing with our civil servant what is in store for the rest of the week.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
If it´s Tuesday, then it is still Brussels
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Labels: BNP, European Parliament, Nick Griffin
Monday, 28 September 2009
If it`s Monday it must be Brussels
I´m sitting in Nick´s supplementary office in the European Parliament while Tina and Eddy Butler are going through Nick´s mail.
There was a special present for both our MEPs this morning - a book each celebrating the 50 years of the European Parliament. It is a very impressive publication and you just wonder how much it would cost to produce. Taxpayers´ money used to promote the very beast that is consuming their contributions - what a scandal. There also a newspaper reporting on the European Parliament. It`s like another world once you get through the security.
Yesterday there was a day long Advisory Council meeting where all the resolutions for the AGM were chosen. There was also detailed discussion with regard to the change in our constitution being forced on us by the Equalities Commission. This too will be put before conference.
After the meeting we headed for Dover and a channel crossing. It was early morning before we arrived at our Brussels hotel and now we have a full day of appointments.
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Friday, 25 September 2009
Great night in Liverpool
Seven o'clock in the morning and I'm just off the M6 near Wigan.
Last night I spoke in Liverpool and today there's an important Advisory Council meeting in Warwickshire.
Yesterday evening it was an excellent meeting at a packed working man's club. Massive buffet, great hospitality and a thoroughly professional set-up all brought together by new organiser, Paul Squire.
My supporting speakers were Paul Rimmer and Gary Aaronson and they were both excellent. Each was very different in their delivery but both enthralled the audience with their contributions.
Paul, a committed Christian, reported on the Catholic owners of a Liverpool guest house who are being prosecuted by the police for inciting religious hatred after daring to argue their corner with a Muslim guest. It was a blood and thunder speech as Paul called on the British people to wake up at this 11th hour and save their country.
Gary's speech - Water on the Moon - detailed the rise of 'poor' India and compared it to the demise of 'rich' Britain. Of course it was the Indian space mission that found the water on the moon, and it was the British taxpayer that funded the mission with their foriegn aid to 'poor' India. Gary gave a long list of similar examples of British 'generosity' to others and delivered it in his usual dead pan style. The meeting loved it and it was a great warm-up before I took the floor.
Football, Freedom and working for Nick Griffin was my theme and it seemed to go down well.
The AC meeting today is about the Equality Commission's court case against the British National Party. Nick Griffin met with solicitors yesterday and he will be reporting to us what they had to say before a way forward is mapped out.
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
It's the unofficial office opening today.
GOOD meeting in Workington last night and today it's the unofficial opening of our new North West Constituency Office.
Here's a picture taken just minutes ago with Nick discussing with Tina the way forward with some of her case files.
More photos later when we start on the buffet.
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Monday, 21 September 2009
Regional council Meeting in Wigan
THERE was a very good regional council meeting yesterday in Wigan.
It was a day long affair run by North West Regional officials Clive Jefferson, Alistair Barbour and Susan Mather.
Security training, working a Risograph printer, designing a leaflet, preparing local accounts and other essential aspects of running a local British National Party branch were covered.
After the training, the meeting itself took place with top of the agenda our motions for the Annual Conference. Discussions on these went on for a couple of hours, and two of the resolutions were struck out because they were deemed already to be BNP policy.
In the end our two resolutions to go forward to the Advisory Council from which one will be selected, concerned there being no exemptions from British law on religious grounds and the over-turning of the smoking ban in pubs.
Big week coming up with Nick in the North West for his constituency week and then an important AC committee meeting on Thursday. Thursday evening I am speaking in Liverpool and then on Sunday it's a meeting of the full Advisory Council in the West Midlands.
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Labels: BNP, Nick Griffin MEP
Friday, 18 September 2009
First pics of the new office
STRUGGLING to make a contribution to this blog as the list of jobs that need to be done keeps getting bigger by the minute - a puncture coming to work yesterday didn't help matters.
However I can give you 'a first' with these three photographs of our new North West Constituency Office.
I must stress that it is just an administration office and not open to the public.
We are looking at another office which will be more of a surgery where Nick can meet his constituents. More on that later as negotiations for a prime site location are at a delicate stage.
Note that I have my own office which will hopefully give me some peace to write and away from the constantly ringing telephone.

Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Labels: BNP, Nick Griffin
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Conspiracy theory that has some basis
SOME interesting thoughts from Clive Wakley this morning.
He's a long-time nationalist colleague and I wouldn't argue with his 'trojan horse' take on the so-called English Defence League.
Clive wrote:
"I have been chatting to a friend, a long-term nationalist, who has made an interesting point.
"Labour's John Denham MP compared the BNP to Mosley's Blackshirts whilst commenting on the disturbances in Harrow on Friday. There is, of course, no direct connection between the BNP, Harrow or Mosley's Blackshirts. So perhaps the reference was a slip of the tongue. I'll explain what I mean.
"In 1936, as you will know, Mosley intended to march through the East End. Although Mosley's chaps were not directly involved the resulting massive disturbances the events gave the government of the day the excuse to introduce the Public Order Act, something directed specifically at curbing the rights of Mosley and his followers.
"I suspect that the so-called English Defence League is a state run Trojan Horse whose purpose is to directly or indirectly, spark a serious riot leading, perhaps, to serious injury or even fatality (police, innocent bystanders?)
"A death, deaths, serious rioting etc - would give the Labour government, supported by the Tories, media etc, the justification to significantly strengthen the Public Order/Race Relations Acts - perhaps to the extent of outlawing political criticism of Islam, perhaps even banning candidates representing Islam-hostile parties from seeking election in "sensitive areas" such as London, the West Midlands, the North West and Yorkshire.
"So perhaps John Denham's reference to Mosley was a slip of the tongue, one revealing the intentions of his party following a "Cable Street" style eruption in a sensitive area.
"An event being orchestrated between the security agencies and the government?"
Now I'm not normally one for conspiracy theories - in fact I have upset people because I tend to ridicule them. But the sudden emergence of the English Defence League with its articulate website urging street action is rather bizarre.
Does anyone believe that opposing the growth of Islam in such a manner can do anything other than alienate the vast numbers of those British people who are concerned at the increasing influence of the Muslim lobby within our society.
The Question Time snowball continues to grow and will probably provide us with the biggest propaganda coup since Nick spoke at the Oxford Union. We just have to sit back and let the opposition do their worst.
There are already splits in the Cabinet and amongst trade unionists, and with various organisations urging demonstrations outside the BBC, it looks like that evening October will provide us with all the necessary headlines to ensure that we our place in the political mainstream.
The British people don't like being told who they can and who they can't listen to. This campaign to try to silence Nick Griffin will only go to make the British National Party message all the more interesting.
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Labels: BNP, English Defence League, Nick Griffin MEP
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Normal service to be resumed
ALL the decorating and refurbishment has been completed so normal service can now resume.
It's been a long hard slog which has meant that my website work for Nick and Andrew has had to take a back seat as preparing the North West Constituency Office was the priority.
"With all your Euro money why not get professionals in to do the job?" I can sense you asking.
The simple answer is that we haven't had any funds from the European Parliament yet. Everything has been done thanks to the goodwill of our members and the money that the North West Euro team could scrape together from our already well-overdrawn bank accounts.
This morning I was hoping to get some reports on our MEP's websites but after posting one on Nick's, all the BNP-related sites seem to have gone offline.
Hopefully it's just for some site maintenance.
Back to the work on the office, and our thanks must go to Councillor Tony Carvell, David Fraser and Paul Stafford for all their expertise over the past week and a half in helping everything to take shape. Without their plastering, joinery and electrical skills it would never have happened.
It goes without saying that the North West team of Tina, Clive, Alistair and yours truly have also been on duty every day, with Clive and Alistair also finding time to shoot down the M6 to campaign in Penrith for the forthcoming council by-election.
There are some interesting European Parliament related trips coming up for BNP members so watch out for the details.
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Labels: BNP, European Parliament, Nick Griffin MEP
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Nearly there
Nearly finished the office refurbishment. I'm shattered and don't want to see a paint brush ever again.
The result from Daventry was ok:
Daventry District Council
Drayton Ward
Chris Eddon (Conservative) 314
Wendy Randall (Labour) 158
John Latham (Liberal Democrat) 138
David Jones (British National Party) 133
Steve Tubb (Independent) 129
Meg Price (Socialist) 55
BNP Percentage: 14.3%
Our election results since June are well below those in the run-up to the county council and European elections. The tidal wave of negative media coverage has certainly taken its toll but now it seems to be running out of steam and better coverage is coming in which should in the months to come be reflected in our vote.
This in The Independent this morning is worth a read.
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Labels: BNP, Nick Griffin MEP
Friday, 11 September 2009
Election results
Off early again to beat the rush hour.
We are now nearing the end of this quite significant undertaking.
Here are last night's results with the exception of Daventry which counts this afternoon.
City of York UA
Heworth Ward
Barbara Boyce (Labour) 876
Jennifer Ayre (Liberal Democrat) 608
Andrew Whitney (Conservative) 591
Denise Craghill (Green) 302
Jeff Kelly (British National Party) 172
Eddie Vee (Independent) 25
BNP Percentage: 6.7%
Daventry District Council
Drayton Ward
Chris Eddon (Conservative)
David Jones (British National Party)
John Latham (Liberal Democrat)
Meg Price (Socialist)
Wendy Randall (Labour)
Steve Tubb (Independent)
Harborough District Council
Welland Ward
Colin Davies (Liberal Democrat) 600
Barry Champion (Conservative) 373
Geoffrey Dickens (British National Party) 122
BNP Percentage: 11.1%
South Tyneside MBC
Westoe Ward
Allen Branley (Independent) 694
Allan West (Labour) 567
Anthony Dailly (Conservative) 320
Les Lovelock (British National Party) 266
Bill Troupe (Liberal Democrat) 225
David Wood (Independent) 194
BNP Percentage: 11.7%
All respectable results and much as expected by our teams on the ground. Nice to beat the Lib-Dems in South Tyneside.
I'll post the Daventry result when I get home this evening.
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Labels: BNP
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Painting and decorating
IF you take a look at the main website this morning you will see what I have been up to for the last few days.
We have had a huge renovation and decoration job on with a deadline for Monday afternoon when we hope to have the office up and running.
It's gradually taking shape but it has been very hard work.
It's just gone seven, and I shall be off shortly for another stint of 'making good' and painting but before I go I thought I would keep you updated on the local council elections involving British National Party candidates that are taking place today.
Here they are:
City of York UA
Heworth Ward
Jennifer Ayre (Liberal Democrat)
Barbara Boyce (Labour)
Denise Craghill (Green)
Jeff Kelly (British National Party)
Eddie Vee (Independent)
Andrew Whitney (Conservative)
Daventry District Council
Drayton Ward
Chris Eddon (Conservative)
David Jones (British National Party)
John Latham (Liberal Democrat)
Meg Price (Socialist)
Wendy Randall (Labour)
Steve Tubb (Independent)
Harborough District Council
Welland Ward
Barry Champion (Conservative)
Colin Davies (Liberal Democrat)
Geoffrey Dickens (British National Party)
South Tyneside MBC
Westoe Ward
Allen Branley (Ind)
George Crozier (South Tyneside Progressives)
Anthony Dailly (Conservative)
Les Lovelock (British National Party)
Bill Troupe (Liberal Democrat)
Allan West (Labour)
David Wood (Independent)
A straw poll of the election anoraks on the Vote-2007 website predicts our votes might be around this mark.
Heworth Ward - 10%
Drayton Ward - 20%
Welland Ward - 15%
Westoe Ward - 10%
If we can poll these sort of percentages, I shall be delighted.
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Labels: BNP, Council elections, Nick Griffin
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Not a bad seven days.
First there was the Three Owls.
Then there was the British Legion.
Nick's "adapt or die" followed.
The BNP kidnap con was news on Thursday.
Opposition in disarray yesterday.
Question Time today.
BNP 'may appear on Question Time'
BBC forces Labour to rethink BNP ban
BNP gets a slot on BBC's Question Time
. . . and Workington Reds got a hard-earned point yesterday against third in the table Ilkeston Town.
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Opposition in disarray
TWO items from The Guardian's "Comment is Free" section shows the angst being suffered by our opponents after Nick Griffin's brave "adapt or die" announcement on Thursday.
EHRC v BNP on all-white membership is an own-goal
Don't be fooled by the BNP
No comment from me needed here, but one aspect of the debate is apparently becoming clear on the so-called 'nationalist forums'.
Now I can assure you that I don't visit these sites, but a colleague does have the arduous task of monitoring them just to see what is being said. He reports that there's panic in some of the postings at the idea of the British National Party changing its membership criteria.
Nothing strange about that I can imagine you thinking, but what is strange is that some of the supposed hardliners are saying that the BNP should die rather than adapt, while others are saying that the Party must survive at all costs. It seems that the hardliners who wish to adapt and survive are those that are known to our monitor - they are genuine 'hardline' nationalists.
The ones who want the BNP to die are the unknown ones. They have ultra right-wing sounding posting names and say the most extreme things, usually condemning the BNP for being too soft.
The panic in the tone of the postings from these people has apparently alerted others, as well as our monitor, to the fact that these particular hardline nationalists are probably not nationalists at all, but just our opponents trying to stir up trouble.
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Labels: BNP, Nick Griffin
Friday, 4 September 2009
Let Rajinder have the honour
RAJINDER Singh had a regular a column in Freedom, the British National Party's newspaper, back in 2003 where he wrote about the dangers facing countries with a growing Muslim population.
In 2005 Rajinder appeared on the British National Party's television election broadcast, again warning on the consequences of our Government aiding and abetting the expansion of Islam within Britain.
Over the last seven years, Raj has spoken at numerous BNP branch meetings where he has been well received as he recounted the terrible events in India after partition and how his family suffered at the hands of Islamic fundamentalists.
Nick Griffin said yesterday that the BNP must adapt or die, and he's right.
The Labour Government and Trevor Phillips intend to "put the BNP out of politics" with a series of County Court actions that will bankrupt the Party if we contest them. If we don't contest them, the Party will be closed down and declared "illegal".
That means that we will be unable to contest elections and, for me, a near lifetime of campaigning will have all been for nothing.
I first wrote off to express my support for the National Front in 1974. Two years later I joined the Party. In 1977 I became an official of the Party and in 1979 started editing the Nationalist newspaper Sussex Front.
In 1983 I became a full time worker and editor of NF News. In 1985 I became a political prisoner, after refusing to pay a fine imposed for an alleged breach of this country's race relations laws (see blog header).
In 2002 I became editor of Freedom and produced 80 issues before becoming Nick and Andrew's communication officer in July of this year.
With this political background, I believe I have the right to express my opinion on the future of the British National Party.
I say adapt and survive and give the brave and loyal Rajinder Singh the honour of becoming the first ethnic minority member of the BNP.
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Labels: Andrew Brons MEP, BNP, British Nationalism, Nick Griffin
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
The carnival is over is a great song
DESPITE the lack of posts I have been doing some work over the Bank Holiday!
At the office redecorating and brightening up the place up on Saturday morning, Sunday morning and Monday morning and answering a big in-box of correspondence each evening.
I'm in a foul mood this morning after two lacklustre performances from the Reds in three days. I made a rare away trip to Fleetwood (our nearest opponents) yesterday. The pies were good and the social club very welcoming - but the game was a nightmare. I already have the feeling it's going to be a long hard season.
It doesn't make one feel any better having to wade through this sort of drivel this morning.
Crowds celebrate annual carnival
Carnival brings people together
Carnival-goers display costumes
In Pictures: Carnival Monday!
One stabbing and 215 arrests is the price we have to pay in order to allow Afro-Caribbeans to celebrate THEIR culture in OUR capital city. "Ye Gods" as the late, great Ted Budden would have said.
Off to the office in my painting gear this morning and then back to update Nick and Andrew's websites this afternoon.
Posted by
Martin Wingfield
Labels: BNP, Notting Hill Carnival